Please send letters to: MAIL Dept., CREEM Magazine P.O. Box 202, Walled Lake, Mich. 48088 DEAR CREEM Avoid all needle drugs, the only dope worth shooting is David Peel! Keep the faith, RSPA (Rid the streets of peel association) Derty P. Anties, President Royal Oak, Mi.


Robert Christgau
Blue Oyster Cult: “Tyranny and Mutation” (Columbia). Bizarro critic R. Meltzer says: “This is really hard rock comedy.” Which isn’t just a laugh — in eight songs, Long Island’s only underground band manages to run through nearly every heavy music cliche with a finely-honed guitar neck.

Rumor has Free vocalist Paul Rogers splitting that band to handle the same chores for Deep Purple. It’s just a rumor, mind you...What is going on with Free, any way? First Tetsu left to replace Ronnie Lane in the Faces, then Rabbit Bundrick split to join Johnny Nash’s back-up band.

John Pidgeon
By now you�ve all seen the Alice Cooper Alcohol Cookbook we presented in these pages a couple of issues ago, and the Cooper�s reputation as no-nonsense tipplers precedes them wherever they go. You�ve heard the talk, but do they really have the credentials to back it all up?

Hitler’s Short is Alive in Arizona
Tom Miller

Shotgun Willie Makes Another Album
Ed Ward
It was February 5th, and the New York air was cold and dank. By sunset, the snow would be blowing down Broadway horizontally at about 20 mph.

It's not just survival. It's a way of life.

Who Sez NooYuck Ain’t A Swingin’ Burg!
R. Meltzer

I Don’t Want Art I Wanna Dance!
Vince Aletti
Charlie Gillett has a great column in the English magazine Let It Rock in which he regularly lists his top ten records of the moment.

Mark Farner’s State Of The Nation Address
Lester Bangs
Grand Funk Railroad and Terry Knight are rumored to have just about settled their legal hassles by now, and may be able to go their separate ways without tripping over their subpoenas.

Unspeakable Practices, Unnatural Acts
Lisa Robinson
The Led Zeppelin circus is back.

When Rock & Roll Came to Arkansas
Greg Shaw
Recently, it has become possible for man to chemically alter his mental state and thus alter his point of view.

Around The World In Eighty Cookbooks
Sandye Carroll
Time has caught up with me. I�m in style now. Or, at least my ethnic cook persona is in style. Ethnic food is in all of the magazines. It is the major subject of the great rash of new cookbooks. It�s even hit middle America. The prairie gourmet wallows in sophistication as he prepares dinners of gazpacho, poulet saute, salata, and pudim flan.

Swamp Thing: A Match For Vampi
Mike Baron

Get On The High Foot....While It Lasts
Lisa Robinson
I think I might have to seriously rethink shoes.

Monitor Madness
Guitar Arnie
Ever been to a concert where the band is playing off-beat, singing in the wrong key, and taking all their solos out of tune — yet they just stand there smiling as if they were giving the best performance of their careers?

Rewire Yourself
The Consumer Electronics Show
Richard Robinson
Chicago — The Consumer Electronics Show: thirty-five thousand over-weight, potential coronaries in white plastic shoes not believing for one minute that the people who buy the records are are the people who buy the record players.

A Nightmare of Seized Opportunities
Robbie Cruger
O Lucky Man!, Shaft In America

Summer slumps haven�t hit Hollywood this year. Of course, nostalgia helps out with revivals, rehashes and regurgitations, keeping the 70�s alive with the past few decades. The F. Scott Fitzgerald upswing started with Mia Farrow and Robert Redford�s The Great Gatsby then Richard Chamberlain�s F. Scott Fitzgerald and the Last of the Belles and now MGM�s The Last Tycoon.

PAPER MOON (Paramount) — Yes, yes, Tatum O�Neal outshines her dad. But that�s not hard especially if you�re the antithesis of Shirley Temple. As soon as she opens her sassy mouth 15 minues into Bogdonovich�s latest nostalgic binge we�re captured. But Tatum�s talents aren�t limited to acting.

Dave Marsh
Timothy Leary�s back in jail, so the time is about right to get the scoop on his free time, and revel in the details of his mystery-novel escape. Funnily enough, even someone who spends as much time looking over the non-stop outpourings of the radical/ underground/ alternative/ counter-cultural/ movement/ rock/ psychedelic press, can�t tell you just where Leary is incarcerated at present, but I suppose that is beside the point.

Sly Today: Caring, Confident, Contradictions
Dave Marsh
Even though lots of people sell as many or more records as he does, Sly Stone is probably the most influential musician of the last five years.

Juke Box Jury
AM radio is on the upswing this month, with ELO still moving up, Stories looking good, The Sweet�s �Blockbuster� a pick to click, and most important of all, new records by unknown groups starting to copy both the new hard rock sound and the new style of �70s production pop.

LEO KOTTKE - My Feet Are Smiling (Capitol):: Recorded live, this is about what you�d expect; not much new material, and slightly smudgier sound, but the production is excellent, and Kottke is one of the best guitar players in the world. His on-stage wise-cracks are pretty funny, too.


Walk On The Wild Side
Lisa Robinson