Mark Farner’s State Of The Nation Address
Grand Funk Railroad and Terry Knight are rumored to have just about settled their legal hassles by now, and may be able to go their separate ways without tripping over their subpoenas.

Grand Funk Railroad and Terry Knight are rumored to have just about settled their legal hassles by now, and may be able to go their separate ways without tripping over their subpoenas. It�s all part of somebody� history — as may indeed the whole Funk phenomenon be — but certain questions remain unanswered to this day. It was for purposes of laying to rest said gnawers that I conducted the following interview with Mark, Don and Mel last winter. Them was heavy days, the trio and their late captain having just hacked their ways out of each others� respective hair. One of the things that meant was that for the first time in their history Grand Funk were open to us press putzes for interviews; in fact, at the time I managed to corner �em they were most anxious to talk.
They were.noticeably relieved when I told them that I didn�t want to talk about Terry Knight. It seemed to me that there was no point in rehashing all the half-supportable charges and counter-charges, especially since Knight wasn �t available to answer.