A Nightmare of Seized Opportunities
O Lucky Man!, Shaft In America

O LUCKY MAN! Directed by Lindsay Anderson Warner Brothers
Malcolm McDowell will probably win an Academy Award nomination for his performance in O Lucky Man! He could probably give a damn. His luck, however, seems to point in that direction. The lyrics of the soundtrack wail �The next one will be the best one of the year.� The prison warden in the movie informs him �The world is your oyster... you have eyes like Steve McQueen.� Malcolm, as Mick Travis, responds to this vision like Joan of Arc. His large eyes look at life in a pure, naive, idealistic way, quite the reverse of Clockwork Orange's Alex. In fact, it�s partially the preconceived notion of Malcolm as an evil creature that creates suspense in O Lucky Man! Even the revolutionary schoolboy (also Mick Travis) who McDowell played in If. . is a far cry from this innocent pilgrim.