I.D. Audio Bass Cabinet with Case (2 x 12") I.D. AUDIO Bass Cabinet with Case (2 x 15") I.D. AUDIO Bass Cabinet with Case (6 x 15”) I.D. Audio Horn Case w/GAUSS HE4000 Driver (2) CROWN Power Amplifer Model PSA-2 (2) CROWN Power Amplifer Model DC300A

What does it take to bring the platinum blond sounds of the Police to Yourtown, US A. and reproduce faithfully every polyrhythm, every fretless bass note and each psycho-daisy guitar solo from the English cops' catalog? Plenty big trucks of equipment, you bet. No more of that Spirit of ‘77 everything-fits-into-a-station wagon stuff--this is the big league, where the musicians have backup instruments to back up their second-string--oh, forget it. Just scan this all-encompassing equipment list and note every hi-hat--there’ll be a quiz in the next issue.