Are these guys everywhere or what?

Now more than ever is Van Halen time: their new album, the success of the "Pretty Woman" 45, their amazing video, their non-stop climb to the top, Entertainment Tonight with David Lee Roth being interviewed in bed—are these guys everywhere or what? In the grand tradition, then, we give you everything you wanted to know about Van Halen and lots more! Eddie Van Halen on guitars! David Lee Roth on himself! Pictures! David Lee Roth on himself! Record Reviews! David Lee Roth on himself! You get the idea?
At presstime, we've heard some interesting details about Diver Down—the band's newest LP—which should be in the stores by the time you read this. Scoops include the band continuing their cover-version tradition with remakes of Martha & the Vandellas' "Dancing In The Street" and the Kinks' "Where Have All The Good Times Gone?," and one "period piece" which actually features Mr. Van Halen proper—Ed 'n' Alex's proud pappy—on clarinet. Where's Val is what we wanna know...