Thank you, Canada!

TORONTO—In a frenzied search for laughs, North Americans have been tuning in to late, late Friday nights SCTV Network 90, an oasis of nutso humor in the vast, arid stretches of corporate network-land. In a frenzied search for a story, I found myself in my favorite N. American city, tracking my favorite TV show and having novelty drinks forced down me by Canadian friends in their swinging Canadian bars. Life is tough all over, and it could have been even tougher for me in Toronto, what with Colonel Khadafys hit squad supposedly crossing the Detroit/Windsor border just as I was. On past trips across the river, letting slip that I was a journalist usually let me in for the Toronto typewriter maneuver: Im asked if I harbor any recording devices or typewriters, then thefemale guard frisks me to make sure. (Damn—never thought of stuffing it under my sweater!) The ever-cheerful guard then asks me what story Im covering, makes an appropriate crack (i.e.,Well, that last Meat Loaf album stunk.") and sends me on my way. Ah, Canada. This time, though, there are no delays; I could be the needlework & crafts editor of Family Circle, or a vacationing PLO operative. I am, nonetheless, welcome to Canada (bienuenu a Canada).
And as for Canada, it isnt surprising that the best comedy on American network TV right now comes from our neighbor to the north, whats surprising is that its even on a major American network. SCTV has been available to North American viewers since 1976, depending on where you choose to live. Americans could see it in syndication (many stations) or on PBS (very few. But we had it—ha!)