One vital reason for me to be in Toronto; recording artists Bob and Doug.

One vital reason for me to be in Toronto; recording artists Bob and Doug McKenzie (Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas, respectively), were being feted by their record company, Anthem, on their maiden release, Bob And Doug McKenzie. The plan was for me to attend the gala back bacon and Molsons bash and then talk the next day to 1981s newest recording stars. The party/press conference, held in a club within the Maple Leaf Gardens and master-minded by Anthem avatars Tom Berry and Perry Goldberg, was large, full of convivial toqued Canadians, and overflowing with good old Canadian lager, but so packed that 1 was forced to just listen to Bob & Dougs snappy repartee, as the news cameras whirred. Being a faithful Great White North viewer helped, though; the next morning I noted with the disdain of the true fan that the Toronto Star correspondent had gotten their dialogue all wrong. Said Dave later.Yeah, he gave me credit for a lot of his lines. I was pleased, actually, because a couple of them were really good! Like: ˜How do you feel about being nominated for the Order Of Canada?—˜We usually order in, I got credit for that!
I noted that I just heard the voice, and could tell it was Rick.