Letter From Britain
The Walrus Was Ringo!
They've just re-released the twenty-two original Beatles singles, plus Yesterday,.

They've just re-released the twentytwo original Beatles singles, plus Yesterday," which never was a single here before. Three of them are in the top thirty already, "Yesterday" climbing fastest, and the rest are bubbling under. It won't be long methinks, before the Beatles hold every place from one to twenty, and our lives, according to a prophesy I read in 1964, will then be over. A dumb way to. go and I also think, listening to these tracks on the radio, hour after hour, that the Beatles are the most overrated group ever — they're so chirpy and they don't understand the principles of disco dancing at all.
(While I'm on this subject, the second most overrated group is the Who, who just don't write tunes that I can hum, though this isn't the same as being the most boring group [Chicago] or the worst [Jethro Tull] . The most overrated producer ever is Phil Spector [when you've heard one of his efforts, you've heard them all] who is also the second most boring person to interview [after Jimmy Page, who is about the twelfth best guitarist]. The*most boring producer is Richard Perry and the worst is Lou Reed, though I don't know if he's ever produced anything. The most overrated guitarist is Jerry Garcia, the most boring is whoever it is plays it in Status Quo and the worst is Tommy Bolin. The most obnoxious person in rock is probably Paul Rodgers [who is also the best singer] but may be Keith Moon [who is also not the best singer]. The most boring songwriter is a tie between John Denver and Jackson Browne and the best, without compare in fact, is Jonathan Richman, who is a master of metre. The worst songwriter , is Ringo, who's the best drummer. Three songs I've never liked are "Satisfaction," "Love The One You're With" and "Hey Jude," because they're all so smug.)