A Non-Story about Mott the Hoople
It was kind of a routine. A group would come into town to play the Fillmore.
October 1, 1971

It was kind of a routine. A group would come into town to play the Fillmore, and their manager, or the record label or somebody would call Rolling Stone to see if they couldn’t interest somebody in a story. And so, last year, somebody called on Mott the Hoople. “Anybody wanna do Mott the Hoople?” Sure, sez I, I’ll do it. J
So it happens that Steven is hanging around. Steven, and his lady Julie, live up the hill. He was a fledgling photographer, and at the time, he’d hang out at Rolling Stone now and again on the off chance he’d get a job photographing something. He also has a car, and they used to drive me to work in the mornings.