Dusty Fingers
An unsung psych masterpiece by the “Secret Agent Man”
Editor’s Note; This issue we welcome a guest column from none other than Jerry A. Lang, the legendary founding member and vocalist for what some might say (me) is the greatest punk band of all time, Poison Idea. Jerry is a hell of a writer too, whether that’s penning songs or as the author of his Black Heart Fades Blue series of autobiographies. But he’s also a serious record head, something that you might have gathered by the cover art or the title of Record Collectors Are Pretentious Assholes. And despite the fact that the title was originally a jab at guitarist Pig Champion, yes, Jerry is also one of those assholes. But unlike what that Poison Idea LP suggests, his tastes are much wider than just Burning Spirits, the Germs, or United Mutation. Here Lang dives in to talk about a favorite that you can still get on the cheap, if you can find it.
The Lost Classic Album. First, what is a classic album? Something that you look back on later and it still holds up. But when you judge a classic record, one man’s Iggy Pop is another man’s GG Allin—it’s a question of taste. So if it’s just an opinion, opinions are like assholes—everyone has one, and some really stink. Stop me if you think that you’ve smelled this one before.