Créme de la CREEM
Crème de la CREEM
Oh hey, didn’t see ya there! What if there were a magazine that wasn’t owned by a multinational conglomerate or run by a boardroom, and was written by cool people who actually went to shows on the reg? Well, I reckon that mag would have a section that would be an incredible resource for new bands, upcoming releases you need to hear, and tours you shouldn’t miss, masterminded by a team of blindingly attractive individuals. We’ll keep a lookout for that, and if we find it, we’ll let you know! Until then, here’s this month’s Creme de la CREEM.
As a longtime fan, the current interest in Oi! music is utterly fascinating—the larger acceptance of a musical style that is virtually trend-proof and has not changed much in nearly 50 years. The recent wave might be traced to the British hardcore explosion of bands like Violent Reaction, Arms Race, Crown Court, and the Chisel, but continues on with bands like Rixe, Chubby and the Gang, and Montreal’s Béton Armé. Or maybe all of this is bullshit and the true center of influence comes from the current political climate, with the rise of the far right and the musical reaction to it all, similar to Reagan and Thatcher in the ’80s.