Now that Orson Welles has been wheeled out of the picture, so to speak, the way has been cleared for thespian Bill Hurt to portray Brian Wilson in the as yet untitled Brian Wilson story. Hey, there’s a title... nah, too confusing. The project, which apparently has full approval from the ex-Beach Boy and Dr. Eugene Landy, could begin filming early next year, with Richard Dreyfuss playing the doc.

Now that Orson Welles has been wheeled out of the picture, so to speak, the way has been cleared forthespian Bill Hurtto portray Brian Wilson in the as yet untitled Brian Wilson story. Hey, there’s a title... nah, too confusing. The project, which apparently has full approval from the ex-Beach Boy and Dr. Eugene Landy, could begin filming early next year, with Richard Dreyfuss playing the doc.