Of all the dead rock stars I can think of, Elvis Presley seems the most likely candidate to have fudged his own demise.

Of all the dead rock stars I can think of, Elvis Presley seems the most likely candidate to have fudged his own demise. Yeah, Morrison talked about it, but Elvis’s fame was infinitely more suffocating and considering El’s longtime interests in voyeurism and makebelieve intrigue cum mysticism and his own status as a demi-god, it doesn’t seem unreasonable to assume the idea at least crossed his mind once in a while. And the King no doubt had all the resources necessary to set up and document a false death..
If nothing else, the abstract idea of Elvis 86’-ing a wax dummy and kicking back with a box of Nutty-Buddys in Costa Rica doesn’t seem any more wacked-out than many demonstrably true details of his life. Kid from Tupelo, Mississippi sells800 million albums worldwide? Come oooooon.