Does music soothe the savage beast?

Does music soothe the savage beast? Iva Davies sure wishes he knew. Icehouse’s singer, songwriter, guitarist and chairman of the board may be something of a musical yuppie, but, having been born in the rain forests of Australia, he’s a tad more familiar with man-eating reptiles than the average Izod wearer.
Too familiar, in fact. While the Sydney band was in the tropical Oz town of Darwin last September, Iva spent his free time windsurfing, until he was approached by a large, underwater spectator with a snout, two beady eyes and too many teeth. Iva did exactly what anyone in the same bloodcurdling predicament would do: he pressed the panic button and promptly fell off the board. Luckily, he actually outswam the 16-foot seawater crocodile to the shore.