Did you know that China has the world’s largest armed forces? With troop strength numbering six million? In other words, don’t be surprised if you wake up one morning in the middle of a rice paddy surrounded by old women wearing straw hats. And then they’ll make you eat raw fish!

Did you know that China has the world’s largest armed forces? With troop strength numbering six million? In other words, don’t be surprised if you wake up one morning in the middle of a rice paddy surrounded by old women wearing straw hats. And then they’ll make you eat raw fish! Oh yeah, that’s Japan. But anyway, there’re very few bands around making preparations for this eventuality, but one of ’em, the New York-based Bangwater, seem ready to welcome their oppressors with open arms! That is, if the Chineselanguage version of “Dazed And Confused” that appears on their new Double Bummer album is any indication.