Video Video
Right up until a few days ago, we were readying ourselves for this month's report to the troops.

Right up until a few days ago, we were readying ourselves for this month�s report to the troops with the jolly intent of inaugurating the first of what we were anticipating to be a �regular� feature of this department—namely, a Dan Aykroyd/Leonard Pinth Garnellinspired �Bad Video� honor roll through which we could call attention to those videos which have truly distinguished themselves by being so gloriously and obliviously awful.
So there we were, all set to trumpet the supremely horrendous qualities of such Hall of Sham inductees as Bob Dylan�s �Tight Connection To My Heart,� Planet P�s �Why Me?� and Night Ranger�s �Sister Christian� for, respectively, greatest embarrassment in front of a camera by a major star, least interesting use of shattered glass in an �art� piece, and, lastly, most fascinating way of avoiding too many shots of the drummer singing lead because the bass player was jealous, as well as bestowing a �Lifetime Pass� for continued exceptional bad work to those joyboys from Canadia, Rush, when, unfortunately, we had the, er, privelege, of catching the �sneak preview� of �Le Bel Age,� the. latest video from Pat Benatar. I �Le Bel Age� is a �concept� video starring, in addition to Benatar, real-life comedian Richard Belzer in a �dramatic� role. The action takes place in a seedy dowtown nightspot where, as the �plot� unfolds, we learn that Belzer, in the part of Artie, the club�s headlining stand-up comic, is returning to work after being released from prison. At first we don�t know what Artie has done, and when he tells the bar floozy—who also happens to be his mistress—that he�s been thrown in jail for �being too funny,� we think he�s kidding. Instead, it turns out that that�s ex-