Leo Gerrero, a city councilman in Corpus Christi, Texas, has introduced a measure calling for concerts in that town to limit volume and ban persons under 14 from attending. The proposal is still under consideration. When Kiss played there recently, Gene Simmons addressed the issue at a pre-concert press conference: "People are saying rock is a terrible influence That�s fine.

Leo Gerrero, a city councilman in Corpus Christi, Texas, has introduced a measure calling for concerts in that town to limit volume and ban persons under 14 from attending. The proposal is still under consideration. When Kiss played there recently, Gene Simmons addressed the issue at a pre-concert press conference: "People are saying rock is a terrible influence That�s fine. I may not necessarily like the influence of football." In other censorous news. Maryland's Senate will be voting on a bill that would make it a crime to sell "objectionable records and tapes to those under 18." The bill, which has already been approved by Maryland -House of Delegates, �faces considerable opposition when and if it's considered by the Senate," according to Bruce Bereano, a lobbyist for the Recording Industry Association of America. The bill was apparently PMRC-inspired. The only other state currently considering similar action is Mississippi, which is overhauling its obscenity laws.