Twisted Sister is a basic rock band with an effectively schizophrenic image, so effective that my responses are both basic and schizzed. So, on one hand, there are, Things I Like About Twisted Sister: I like the way Dee Snider and the boys have made concepts like ugly, hideous, and “what’s that?!?” acceptable again in rock ’n’ roll; enough pretty boy metal, y’ know? I like the way Dee worships Alice Cooper, but comes on more like a cross between Ted Nugent and Bozo The Clown—That's Entertainment '86.1 especially like the way they exploit the made-up/non-made-up images simultaneously, something Kiss never had the guts to do.

TWISTED SISTER Come Out And Play (Atlantic)
Twisted Sister is a basic rock band with an effectively schizophrenic image, so effective that my responses are both basic and schizzed. So, on one hand, there are,