Consider Suite 619 at the Park Hyatt in Chicago.

Consider Suite 619 at the Park Hyatt in Chicago. The floor plants in wicker baskets. The liquor cabinet. The glass coffee table, with fresh flowers and copies of the latest issues of Esquire, Fortune and the Neiman-Marcus catalogue. All the splendid touches to make the busy traveler feel at home. If you’d like a cold beer, why, just call room service—or enjoy your beverage in a plush chair in the lobby bar where you can purchase 12 ounces of Miller Lite for three dollars.
You can do many things in a room as fine as this and—if you’re paying for it— you should. It’s costing you $225 a night; check-out time is noon. One thing you can do (and you can do this even if someone else—let’s say a rock group with money to burn—is paying for Suite 619 for the sole purpose of you spending an hour with a musician) is spend an hour with a musician.