The Blind Luck Factor
Speak The Language, a group you wouldn’t have heard of unless you watch a TV show called Star Search with Ed McMahon, didn’t listen to this column.

Speak The Language, a group you wouldn’t have heard of unless you watch a TV show called Star Search with Ed McMahon (that is, Ed wouldn’t necessarily be there with you, reclining in the missus’s La-Z Boy and occasionally reaching over to help his hungry self to a fistful of your nachos, but is rather the show’s host), didn’t listen to this column, and behold what it gets them now—being made laughingstocks in front of a national reading audience before a record company can even sign them!
They brought it on themselves. They could have read the recent Eleganza that had to do with what a dreadful idea it is for an unknown group to dress and behave exactly as groups it’s like do. But no.