Motorhead are so fucking LOUD my ears are already bolting for the door so they can hop a bus and flee home to the security of my low-watted stereo!

Motorhead are so fucking LOUD my ears are already bolting for the door so they can hop a bus and flee home to the security of my low-watted stereo! And it’s only the first verse of the first song! So this is that “total undifferentiated roar” I’ve always bragged up when I praise the MC5’s Kick Out The Jams. Life’s really kicking art’s ass now as Motorhead gives me a cochlear implant of two dozen AW Marshalls!
The notorious Lemmy’s vocals, and even Phil Campbell’s and Wurzel’s guitars are just tinny squeaks floating on top of the mung rush of total sonic bass fuzz that’s assaulting all me orifices simultaneously. [Aye, laddie, and we’re just the sweet pea’s who’ll be openin’ those orifices for ye.—Eds.yMelody’s just a persistent memory of sorts, while my central nervous system’s being destroyed by these brash Limeys, who don’t even