Rock 'n' Roll News
Rock ’n’ Roll High School? Surely R.J. Reynolds High in Winston-Salem, N.C., can lay claim to the honor—they recently filled the old auditorium for a show featuring Let’s Active, the dB’s and Chris Stamey—proud Carolinan acts all. Stamey and his drummer, Ted Lyons, Will Rigby, Peter Holsapple and Gene Holder of the dB’s and Mitch Easter and Faye Hunter of Let’s Active are all graduates of R.J.R.H.S., too.

Rock 'n' Roll News
Rock ’n’ Roll High School? Surely R.J. Reynolds High in Winston-Salem, N.C., can lay claim to the honor—they recently filled the old auditorium for a show featuring Let’s Active, the dB’s and Chris Stamey—proud Carolinan acts all. Stamey and his drummer, Ted Lyons, Will Rigby, Peter Holsapple and Gene Holder of the dB’s and Mitch Easter and Faye Hunter of Let’s Active are all graduates of R.J.R.H.S., too. Monies from the concert went to the Red Cross Relief Fund for Ethiopia, by the way.