Clarabelle Talks Back: OZZY OSBOURNE’S No Bozo On This Bus
They warn you about the madman. That he wraps himself in scales and chains, fangs and dripping saliva as he prowls arenas of the night. That his shrieks and curses are fearsome to hear, a peril to those who mistakenly perceive the outpourings as mere entertainment.
Clarabelle Talks Back: OZZY OSBOURNE’S No Bozo On This Bus
APRIL '83 The name Ozzy Osbourne conjures up many things. Due to our high journalistic standards, however, we are refraining from printing the bulk of them! As a public service to our readers we nonetheless present the following interview with His Ozziness, and hope it will be read in the spirit in which Toby Gold-stein wrote it. Of course, we could be kidding about all this and just filling up space! You never know with us!