Video Video
MTV's been the new kid on the block for such a long run now that it's lost whatever diplomatic immunity it once possessed.

MTV�s been the new kid on the block for such a long run now that it�s lost whatever diplomatic immunity it once possessed, and it�s become eminently fair game for potshots from us armchair cranks. I remain more than comfortable with the basic concept of video presentation of pop (as opposed to the �pure music� diehards), but on the other hand, MTV is beginning to take on some of the aspects of AOR radio that soured me on that medium way back when.
For one thing, MTV has betrayed its early promise of �nonstop music� (just as FM rock did), as the primetime evening hours I usually view MTV are crammed with more commercials all the time. It seems rare now to catch eveti two primetime videos in a row, without the interruption of some lite beer, acne medication, or pastel duds message. Yeah, they pay the bills, etc. , but if MTV ever sinks to AOR�s current level of allowing no-moneydown thought criminals access to shout about �flotation sleeping systems,� I�m reaching for my cable selecter box pronto.