September 1, 1983

"Hello, Sue? Love Calling!...OK, I'll stop. Didja see the new CREEM, tho'? Guess who's the Dreem, just guess...That's right, it's him! No, not Joe, doofus, Billy! YES!...No, you can only see him from the chest up. Not even his belly-button... Whaddaya mean, is he really a Congo Man? I said only from the chest up...Yes, it's a sneer, and the look in his eyes...Y'know, if I was with him, I wouldn't have a White Wedding, part one or two! Yeah, I gotta go anyway. OK. No, I can't tell if he's a real blonde or not, it's only a chest shot) Gawd, Sue, you are soooo gross!...Yeah, and I won't get it sticky, either! Bye!"