U2 is a difficult band to pigeonhole.

U2 is a difficult band to pigeonhole. They did not arrive on our shores from their native Ireland bearing slogans, political platforms, or even a new fashion trend or hairstyle. They do not have an easily mass-marketed visual image, if they can be said to have any visual image at all. And whats more, their music doesnt sound much like anyone elses—at least not anyone youd ever hear on your local Conforrnity-Oriented-Radio station (Im talking about the Great Midwestern Radio Desert here, but chances are its only marginally better where you live.)
Given all this, how in the hell did U2s first album Boy end up on the local FM playlist almost as soon as it was released? (You know, ...that was Van Halen, and well have some J.Geils up in a minute, but first heres something from U2...") What is it that has earned U2 acceptance where hundreds of equally worthy and talented new bands are routinely ignored?