Paul McCartney, usually Mr. Congeniality himself, recently knocked down a photographer for the London Daily Star, as he was arriving at a BBC studio for an interview: The newspaper reports that McCartney "suddenly cannoned his fist and body at our shocked photographer."

Paul McCartney, usually Mr. Congeniality himself, recently knocked down a photographer for the London Daily Star, as he was arriving at a BBC studio for an interview: The newspaper reports that McCartney "suddenly cannoned his fist and body at our shocked photographer." The photographer wasnt injured, and Macca apologized, giving one of his irresistible Hard Days Night smiles and saying, 'T m sorry 1 blew my top, mate." Thats OK, Paul. Well forgive you, although some people are bewildered by those pictures of Pauf s younger brother, Michael, With a-full head of grey hairi Only his hairdresser knows for sure.