With this release by primo hardcores Black Flag, we have now reached new levels in the annals of mindlessness.

BLACKFLAG Damaged (Unicorn)
Lets face it. With the release of Damaged by primo hardcores Black Flag, we have now reached new levels in the annals of mindlessness. In olden days, mindlessness as a form surfaced in rock n roll as either purely exploitative maneuverings geared to the under 10 crowd (Witch Doctor," Yummy Yummy Yummy") or else as sheer, unbridled reckless crazy escape (Mellow Saxophone," Little Richards Ooh! My Soul!," Surfin Bird"). The boys of Black Flag, however, have managed to crawl a few steps further, since a) never before have we been sledgehammered into submission with mindlessness of such a vengeful nature and b) never before has this been done for no apparent reason other than to kill time. With these facts as given, and noting that while Rise Above," the albums lead-off track and anthemic statement of purpose that says everything thats on Black Flags mind (which aint saying much) and that the rest of the record simply regurgitates this theme over and over, that this record DOESNT EVEN BEGIN TO GET BORING UNTIL WELL INTO SIDE TWO (which is saying a lot)... well, what more can I say except that anyone interested in death, enslavement and the pursuit of fucked-upness is hereby directed to Damaged for a suitable unhealthy dose of noodnik nirvana that proves once and for all that, to some people at least, Sid Vicious and Darby Crash really did die for our sins.