Extension Chords
I have decided after careful deliberation to call this organ the volcano in tribute to the incredible sound of the bass register of this instrument.

I have taken it upon myself to give Roland’s new VK-1 a nickname, one that Washington state residents may not find very humorous, but one that is appropriate nonetheless. I have decided after careful deliberation to call this organ the volcano in tribute to the incredible sound of the bass register of this instrument. Besides, I don’t know what VK means, but it sounds close enough to volcano to suit me. Anyway...
Down through the years there have been many noteworthy organs used in a rock ’n’ roll context. Of course, the behemoth Hammond B-3 is generally recognized as the grandaddy of them all, but alas, like many of the giant beasts that once roamed the continent, the noble Hammond B-3 fell victim to its own enormity. Seems like very few people are willing to carry them around anymore, although some players still won’t play anything else.