Extension Chords
Synthesizers Are Changing The Face Of Music...Again
The ARP Avatar really is amazing; it will do everything the manufacturer says it will do and more.

The ARP Avatar really is amazing; it will do everything the manufacturer says it will do and more. However, you have to have a couple of things together in order to operate it properly and get the full potential out of the Avatar. A working knowledge of synthesis is prerequisite to stage performance and a solid body guitar with enough room immediately in front of the bridge is necessary in order to mount this special pickup provided with the Avatar. The crucial mounting of the Avatar pickup should be performed by a qualified guitar repairman who understands the nature of the pickup itself, particularly how it is affected by string bending because an improperly placed pickup will react to several string vibrations at once, thus causing “false notes." Obviously, no one will be anxious to drill holes in his/her vintage guitar for the sake of modern science. But the design of many guitars such as the Aria Pro II Les Paul Copy, the Ovation Deacon, the Les Paul Deluxe and the Fender Stratocaster are ideally structured for the Avatars pickup.
-Allen Hester/Strings N Things Memphis, TN