Harlan Ellison: Sci-Fi In A Jugular Vein
Despite the strident campaigning of its adherents, science fiction has yet to break into the cultural mainstream.

Despite the strident campaigning of its adherents, science fiction has yet to break into the cultural mainstream. While Theodore Sturgeon, Ray Bradbury, Robert Heinlein, and a number of other writers have produced first-rate literature, only Kurt Vonnegut has been able to break out of the typecasting of 'science fiction' writer and achieve wider acceptance. Now Harlan Ellison, the one-time enfant terrible of science fiction, has his chance to grab for the brass ring with Pyramid books planning to reissue eighteen of his works.
Ellison is a master of the soft cover field, having written and edited over thirty paperbacks during the last fifteen years. While best known for his science fiction, Ellison has also been a short story writer, novelistrscreenwriter (he wrote one of the all time bombs, The Oscar), TV writer, and critic. A large portion of the Pyramid series consists of Ellison's work outside the science fiction/fantasy field.