Patti Smith’s Swinging Vines
"The one cool thing about getting successful in rock and roll is keeping all the traditional joys about it."

"The one cool thing about getting successful in rock and roll is keeping all the traditional joys about it," Patti Smith said recently. "I ain't gonna pretend that I don't get a kick out of it...I mean it's so excitin' that somebody would write up what I wear, y'know? It's what I used to live for...to look in magazines and see all those pictures and see 'This is this stage and this is that stage'. 1 mean even in my early twenties, even now I want to see what's Mick wearin', what's John Lennon wearin'...The Beatles went through some great clothing phases. I still have my George Harrison — what was that movie? Magical Mystery Tour? Oh, it's my favorite outfit still; orange pants, this old gray suit jacket.. .and a big tie. I wear it sometimes."
"I've just been bombin' through Bendel's," Patti said as she rushed into her manager's office. Looking the perfect street urchin, Paris, 1910 style. She had on: Black wool cap, white tshirt, black sweater, black velvet jacket, skintight blue jeans, blue-green wool leg warmers, striped ^Peruvian wool socks, black ballet slippers. Funny, the large magnum of Dom Perignon she was holding didn't look at all out of place. "I really love presents," she emphasized , "like this [points to a bracelet] motorcycle chain some kid gave me. I love that stuff. I get letters from kids, one maniac kid has been sending me