Motor Mouth
Hello all you jive-talkers, ginbabies and winged creatures of the night.

Hello all you jive-talkers, ginbabies and winged creatures of the night. Here's the dope —
Those lusty Brooklyn boys Kiss were given a raucous reception at Metro Airport by a couple hundred Kiss fans, many in Kiss drag with faces painted to match Gene, Paul, Ace or Peter. At a press conference they were presented with keys to the city of Detroit by Steve Glantz , impersonating Mayor Young. After the Sunday night show they were presented with a platinum record each onstage for Kiss Alive, which was recorded at Cobo Hall. Glantz also received one of the fake records (We hear they don't really play ... at least o urs doesn't). Tuesday night CREEM arrived on the scene, in the person of publisher Barry Kramer and editor Jaan Uhelszki, to collect a platinum record for our incredible part in the success of the