Confessions of a FILM FOX
You could say it was a ... successful navel maneuver. Cher won her battle with CBS, who wanted to bar the baring of her belly button on TV; the slinky sultress refused to appear without her navel. Gregg and Cher are hotter than ever, in fact a fire broke out in their bedroom.

Confessions of a FILM FOX
You could say it was a ... successful navel maneuver. Cher won her battle with CBS, who wanted to bar the baring of her belly button on TV; the slinky suitress refused to appear without her navel. Gregg and Cher are hotter than ever, in fact a fire broke out in their bedroom. It wasn’t that their passion was so scorching that it burned up the sheets, but Cher fell asleep and left a candid burning at her bedside . Contrary to the rumors,'Brb’ Gregg doesn’t mind Cher being buddy-buddy with her ex, since Sonny does pay $25,000 per month child support for / the baby Bono, Chastity. In fact, Sonny’s paychecks are pretty much “polished off.” He’s obliged to pay all of Cher’s bills up to the time she marr ried Mr. Allman— including $1,100for one month of manicures!!