Thoroughly bound up in plaster casts due to that near-fatal cat crash on Rhodes, Robert Plant was recovering in a London hospital when his lawyers discovered that if he were to spend one more day in Britain he would be subject to taxes on a whole year’s earnings.

Thoroughly bound up in plaster casts due to that near-fatal cat crash on Rhodes, Robert Plant was recovering in a London hospital when his lawyers discovered that if he were to spend one more day in Britain he would be subject to taxes on a whole year’s earnings. So barely six hours before the deadline of the expiration of his “tax exile period” Plant was whisked to the airport, loaded aboard a plane/'' reportedly by forklift, and septoff to the Island of Jersey in the EngHsh * Channel, just outside the taxman’s jurisdiction His wive Maureen and the kids remain in a London hospital, “progressing satisfactorily” according to a record company spokesman.