BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN: Hot Rod Rumble In The Promised Land
Bruce Springsteen reaches his stride at a time when the listening audience is not only desperate for a new idol but unprecedentedly suspicious of all pretenders to the throne.

BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN Born To Run (Columbia)
And in his excited way of speaking I heard again the voices of old companions and brothers under the bridge, among the motorcycles, along the wash-lined neighborhood and drowsy doorsteps of afternoon where boys played guitars while their older brothers worked in the mills. All my other current friends were “intellectuals”... But Dean’s intelligence was every bit as formal and shining and complete . . . And his “criminality” was not something that sulked and sneered; it was a wild yea-saying overburst of American joy . . . long prophesied, long a-coming (he only stole cars for joy rides).