The CREEM of Current Hootch
The only way to separate yourself from the rabble of beer-drinking slobs without trading in your favorite libation on some damn fag drink is to do it limey style. You want snob appeal and hops too, you get both in Guinness Stout or Watney's Ale, two of the finest drinks in kingdom come, on tap at the obscure little roadside pub of your choice. It costs but it's worth it and both get your head like a double-barreled Colt 45. Other avenues to the exotic margin of the beery bloa^paaegBabBOBf^Brift^yarews—NewcastlgJ&B^j^fw^tf name to dnpreven if you've never seenipy—andjtort§piRfie many fine local AmeJian bmmtei: L-oMteSta^Shieer. qpd PepilPexas); Anchor Steam in Frisco; ijpyal Amber (j^ncirt^^Pfica Rolling RocilpflNMM is c heap^p)uglMirMMldweil am the many fine Canadian beers, among whicplEabatt's &§ UmpMr COOTS is water.