Letter From Britain
Musical Choirs, Odds and Ends
Okay, boys and girls — a lot of facts this time around...And they’re going to be coming at you fast, so sit up, pay attention, and ferchrissake try to look interested.
December 1, 1974

Okay, boys and girls — a lot of facts this time around...And they’re going to be coming at you fast, so sit up, pay attention, and ferchrissake try to look interested.
I mean: this is a thankless enough task as it is — three columns already and I ain’t got a red cent (and now I hear Edmonds has absconded to Marin County with the CREEM kitty, all last months free records and a pile of very valuable “Album Of The Century” decals RCA sent over in a vain attempt to assuage the wrath of Bangs before he reviewed Diamond Dogs).