Official Results of CREEM's David Bowie Lookalike Contest

We put out the come-hither, and come to CREEM they did from far and wide: ersatz and approximate Davids cross the range and homes of these states. Whether we or he started a joke, it started the whole world dragging, rouging, mincing, pouting, and generally having a fey old time. Good for 'em, too, because some of 'em are so good at it that it takes your breath away, if not something else. Anyways, here they are: the eleven beloved weirdos who made the finals from among hundreds of entries which, as you may imagine, it was no easy task to call and decide on. The first prize winner gets a rather amazing Oriental-styled tunic with lipstick on the collar from David s personal wardrobe. When you see her picture, for she is a her, you will certainly concur with her victory. The five Second prize winners get a surprise package of records and Bowie memorabilia from MainMan, Inc. The five third prize winners get their beaming mugs in our pages. Thanks to the efforts of everybody who entered, and till next year, when we run our Arthur Kane Lookalike contest, remember: when you're on your bikes tonight, wear white.