My Night Of Ecstasy With The J. Geils Band
Well, there’s a little bit of groupie in all of us...

You may think it’s more kicks than pricks being a hotshot jivescamming rock magazinero, but contrary to~ conventional wisdom it ain’t all glitz and gravy. Sure, you get the free albums, junkets, punkettes and tee-shirts, but you also have to exercise a modicum of creativity now and then — i.e. thinking up new story ideas — which sometimes necessitates engaging in actual work.
Case in point we were all sitting around the office trying to figure out what in hell to do with J. Geils this time. We’d handled ’em from the Beantown Getdown history-of-the-band dryasdust angle, we’d described their stage flash in minutest detail, we’d gven gone so far as to say they were better than Alice Cooper. So now we were up against the wall, Mother Howdy. Should we wimp out with a Qrcus type spread: “The Hemorrhoids That Almost Ended Peter Wolfs Career”? Or maybe opt for the Rolling Stone approach: “J. Geils Discuss the Political Future of G. Gordon Liddy’s Grandchildren.” Or sleaze down all-out crass a la Rock Scene: “J. Geils Attend a Party Thrown By Mickey Ruskin, Jackie Curtis, Steve Paul’s Chauffeur and Thirteen New Drag Queens.”