At Least Nobody Threw Up
Initially Eleganza met with disapproval, as well as more than a fair share of abuse.

About a year ago I began writing this column. Initially Eleganza met with disapproval, as well as more than a fair share of abuse. The subject matter — clothes, style, whatever — was considered by some to be frivolous, decadent, reactionary, capitalistic, anti-life and lots of other phrases left over from the sixties. The idea of presenting photos of rock promoters in suits (as we did in that very first column) costing hundreds of dollars paid for by “bleeding the culture” blah blah blah. . . well, some people were appalled. But all I really wanted to do was to try and prove a point, to say something about Dressing; and about how clothes were going to matter again. And now, a year later, I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so.
I suggested in that very first column that Bill Graham would look divine in a Cardin suit. Bill Graham just happened to recently buy a Cardin suit, in which he does indeed look divine. But more importantly, I proposed that rockstars themselves would feel splendid in suits and ties for a change. . . and maybe it is worthwhile to look at what has happened since. Not only musicians, but people who live the rock and roll life, (whatever that may consist of in your town) have been popping up in suits and/or ties all over. Something is happening here, but maybe you didn’t know what it was...