Rewire Yourself
Needle of My Dreams
"Anything II Could Do... III Can Do Better!" is the proud announcement headlining Shure's ads for their new phonograph cartridge.

"Anything II Could Do... III Can Do Better!" is the proud announcement headlining Shure's ads for their new phonograph cartridge. It's called The V-15 Type III Super-Track Plus Phono Cartridge and Shure has been working on perfecting this cartridge since 1966. If you want a cartridge that will reproduce your records exactly as they're recorded with an absolute minimum of wear on the grooves then the V-15 Type III' is ideal, even if you have to arrange time payments to meet the $72.50, price tag.
Most -people who like to listen to records — as opposed to those "audio| philes" who worship their equipment for what it is rather than what it does — have little conception of what this talk about cartridges and needles is all about. When, words like cartridge, tracking, stylus, and the rest start to get thrown around, the tendency is to throw up your hands and think about switching your record collection over to cassettes. Especially when somebody comes along and suggests that you spend $72.50 for a needle. Hey, you can buy a speaker or FM tuner for that price.