John Lennon: All the Dignity of Eric Burdon
Poor John. When the Beatles broke up he was the only one of the dissipated Fab Four who put in a bid to be taken seriously as an artist.

JOHN LENNON Mind Games (Apple)
Poor John. When the Beatles broke up he was the only one of the dissipated Fab Four who put in a bid to be taken seriously as an artist who still; believed in demons and was committed to reflecting the vile. humours on tap in today's world. And yet look who's taken the most post-splinter abuse of any of them. Sure he and Yoko have just kept making asses of themselves, and sure his politics^are crackerjack boxtop level, but still and all you gotta give the man one thing. He's among those increasingly rare pop squackers (Lou Reed's another) who, ho matter what else ybu might be able to say about "em, is at least SINCERE. John still believes, and is still placing himself in some measure on the line.