T. Rex: "What They Tried To Do With David Bowie Was Create Another Marc Bolan."
Just eighteen months ago, T. Rex was being loudly heralded as the next big thing. It didn’t happen.

Just eighteen months ago, T. Rex was being loudly heralded as the next big thing, the next phenomenon, the next Beatles (John and Ringo nodded in agreement). They - or he, being that T. Rex is only Marc Bolan and whoever else he happens to bring along - had racked up an amazing string of charttopping singles in England, and the success of “Bang A Gong” seemed to point to a repetition of that triumph here.
It didn’t happen. We're still waiting for a follow-up hit. to “Bang A Gong,” and the lack of arty substantial singles actioq has been a jjjjBhinant factor in;$x Rex’ relative failure.-The massive hype didn’t help much 'either. Its backlash created a situation where the prospec; tive audience was forced to make a judgement before they’d heard the band, and it hurt Many of the dates on the last tour were cancelled to avoid the embarawnent of half-filled houses Their albums have sold steadily if unspectacularly, and while it indicates llkat there’s a market for T. Rex in this gl|«ntry, the size of that mallet remains a disappointment in light of what haA; been expected.