ROCK 'N' ROLL news
Hot Industry Flash: Several major record companies are reportedly waging a furious bidding battle over a new band. The group, which comes from Brooklyn, by way of, yes, Iceland, is called Bobby Fischer and the Chessmates. Their first single is called "Boris, the Amazing Russian Bear."

ROCK 'N' ROLL news
WARNING! we stated in out article on the Sopor/Quaalude phenomenon last issue (Oct.) that die metha-qualone group hi not addictive. Recent evidence has come to light, unfortunately, that ADDICTIVE SYMPTOMS HAVE BEEN REPORTED! Quaalude addiction will be more similar to barbiturate addiction, than to heroin addiction, in that case, and withdrawal has frequently proved fatal: IF YOU npNK YOU MIGHT BE ADDICTED TO METHA-QUALONE (SOPORS, QUAALUDES, AS, ETC.) GET YOUR ASS TO A DOCTOR! FAST!