Letter From Britain
Keep On Runnmg Politics And Its Discontents
Nostalgia gets gloomier day by day.
November 1, 1972

Nostalgia gets gloomier day by dav The first rock loser I ever Qay’ of a coffin and neither his shriek* ™ the green filters could Mde thfw^ dripping down the walls of a half empty cinema The girl sitting in front of me was knitting baby socks.
Last week he was still at it - leading naked women up Downing Street and into a Black Maria, publicising yet another Grand Spectacular Rock’n’Roll Revival Show. I went as expected. Gary Glitter played for eighteen hours. Little Richard was booed. Seven different groups claimed to be the original Coasters or Drifters or both. Elvis didn’t show. Soggy memories and Jonathan King said it - bubble rock is here to stay. Only Chuck Berry was as wonderful as ever.