The Beach Boys: The Makings Of A Fanatic
The Critics Kept A Knockin' But The Stars Kept A Rockin' And The Choppin' Didn't Get Very Far

The Beach Boys, Wow! Remember hanging out at the beach in the summertime, driving around in the car stopping at the McDonald's to see who was there, and the Beach Boys putting it all together and laying it out for us on the radio? "Surfin U.S.A." "fun, Pun, Fun." "Little Deuce Coupe." "Shut Down." Arid Ian and Dean with t'Surf Vity" (Co-authored by Beach. Boy Brian Wilson)?
J don't. I went to biglischódl~httheH North Shore super suburbs of Chicago in the early Sixities) and I didn t think about the Beach &iys much They were like the Kingston Inc and I lumped them all together with nerythitig else that was happening that I couldn t or didn't want to reltte to I was in the ab :.enated intellectual category -~ sue ce~sfuI in the classroom, artistic and .gexual privately,, and freakin gout about~ anti Freedom Rider jokes in the hall way I anticipated something better in the future - a world of big cities, beat niks, radicals neurotics and mteJJee~ 2:~L4.. or Woody .Guthrie in Puatbowl .::c.~uahoma.