The Godfather of Hardcore emerges as the 2024 dark horse candidate, and he’s got our vote!

At CREEM, we’re always going to have an opinion on everything. Some people might call us obnoxious loudmouths, but we like to say that we’re just expressing ourselves in a passionate, forceful, and objectively correct manner. And in 2024, who can avoid having an opinion about the coming election? At first, it looked like it was gonna be Sleepy Joe versus the Man of God/Pussy Grabber versus a man with actual brainworms; now it looks like all the anti-cop types are going procop for Joe’s replacement (we won’t even start on couchfucker). Yeah yeah yeah, things look a liiiittle grim for the election this year, so we’d like to place our hefty endorsement behind a true patriot, a man of principles and beaucoup riffs—Vinnie Stigma of Agnostic Front.
Vinnie Stigma is a native New Yorker and founding member of the legendary Agnostic Front. The punk icon has lived virtually his entire life in the same apartment in Little Italy, just a few short blocks from where CBGB once stood. Since 1982, Agnostic Front have paved the way for New York Hardcore, creating some of the most influential records of the era and gathering some of the most insane stories told in the funniest possible way. These unmissable, terrifying, and no doubt hysterical yarns make up the center of his new autobiography Vinnie Stigma: The Most Interesting Man in the World, out on Sept. 10 via Permuted Press.