DEPARTMENT OF RETRACTIONS Hi CREEM, I am glad you enjoyed the Billy Strings concert, but there’s a big error in your piece. Billy’s mother and step dad, Terry, are alive and well. Billy even made an album with his dad in 2022 (Me/And/Dad) that was nominated for a Grammy.
June 1, 2024

Of all the comment sections in all the towns in all the world, you walk into ours. Yes, it's the “CREEM Goes to the Movies” issue, which means we’ve got Hollywood in our hearts and stars in our eyes. But leave it to you, dear readers, to bring us crashing right back down to earth faster than we can say, “I coulda had class! I coulda been a contender!” Your opinions: brutal. Your grievances: unfounded. But all press is good press. And we love it. Keep ’em coming. —Ed.