MEGADETH: when fusion comes to call
If you haven’t bought a copy of Megadeth’s new album yet (So Far, So Good...So What?), then go and buy it immediately after reading this feature.

If you haven’t bought a copy of Megadeth’s new album yet (So Far, So Good...So What?), then go and buy it immediately after reading this feature. If the record is not quite out yet as this sees print, well, then you’ll just have to wait. But don’t wait too long. See, this is probably one of the most innovative heavy metal albums—if not the most innovative—that you’ll hear this year. I’ve heard it and wouldn’t lie to you. In 40 minutes or so, guitarist/vocalist/bandleader Dave Mustaine and his crew transcend not just the thrash metal murk out of which they initially emerged, but all of metal in general, coming up with seven original songs (plus one cover) that just don’t sound like anything that any other metal outfit has ever done.
Why is So Far... so good? Before you say “So what?" just listen to the damn thing. It sounds fresher and more alive than any trendy conglomerate could ever hope to sound. The music swoops, soars, lunges, retreats, breathes and throbs like a living thing. The production is expansive, yet the sound is dense; each instrument is given room to stretch, yet works seamlessly with the others to crush your skull. It’s heavy enough for the thrashers, dynamic enough for mainstream rock fans, and intelligent enough for the “critics” to jump right on the bandwagon and proclaim that they knew about Megadeth all along.